Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Creamy Peach Mango Popsicles - Pinterest Battle, week 2

In celebration of the heatwave that Portland has been sitting in for the past week, I decided to break in my growing collection of popsicle molds! I've been eyeing a bunch of fancy recipes on Pinterest, along with all things summer. My creation is a delightfully cool and creamy (vegan) peach mango number.

Vegan Yogurt Peach Mango Popsicle -

Creamy Peach Mango Popsicles
2 8oz containers of coconut milk yogurt - vanilla flavor (I used SoDelicious brand. I heart it)
1 bottle of R.W. Knudsen Mango Peach juice

Put about 2 spoonfuls of yogurt into each popsicle mold. Hold at angle and lightly bang it on counter, so that it all goes to one side. Place in freezer for about 2 hours. Remove from freezer and fill the remaining space with juice. Put sticks/tops on popsicle mold and pop back in freezer for 4 hours or more. Enjoy!

Makes 8 popsicles

Vegan Yogurt Peach Mango Popsicle -
This is enjoyment.

Monday, July 14, 2014

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

The long road to nowhere

While I was making my concrete crafts, based on my Pinterest pins, I discovered that one of them went to a website in ... a language I don't speak. Which was fine. I do my best worked based on pictures only. What makes me extra sad are the Pins that go nowhere, which happened today with a pretty ring that I need and will find.

Since I deal with negative emotions in a way that you might be familiar with by now... I made this:

Pinterest link to nowhere

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Concrete Candle Holder

I thought I’d start the Pinterest Battle off with a personal challenge. I rarely do poured mold items. I love sculpture, but rarely actually do them. I wanted to get over some of my fear and develop a new skill a bit. Concrete seems pretty approachable, after all.

I was directly (P)inspired by these concrete candle sticks. Once I practice a little more, I aim to add textures, like this leaf imprint. I absolutely want to get to where I can confidently make some weird shapes. This is absolutely a craft where practice makes perfect.

I got some Quikrete. I chose the brand mostly just because it came in an easy to carry little bucket. They make all sorts of types from patch, to spackle, to quick-set concrete. Make sure you actually get concrete as spackle is crumbly.


Something you need to know about me, I love math problems. I thought I was being all smart, basing the amount of mass (concrete) I would need by filling the mold with water and measuring the water. I then based my concrete to water mix on that. My particular concrete mix was 5.5 concrete:1 water. My first attempt (Edit: pictured at the end) required 2 cups of concrete (mixed). So, I went to the board – this is how my mind works:

Concrete conversion

Lesson Learned: 2 cups of dry concrete powder, mixed with water – reduces in mass by about half. So, if you need 2 cups of mixed concrete, start with about 4 cups of dry concrete powder. ALSO – when pouring a mold like this you will want to add about 30-40% more liquid to the mix. It will take longer to set, but you’ll actually be able to pour it and work with it.

(Lesson I’m not learning right now: I’m not sure if I should be saying Mass or Volume. I’m going with Mass. It feels right.)

Once I mixed up the concrete, I poured it into a Tupperware bin that was sprayed with regular cooking oil. I then pressed some tea lights into it, as well as some glass votive candles. These were also sprayed with cooking oil first, to ensure they didn’t fuse with the concrete. To dress it up a bit, I pressed glass into the concrete (not sprayed).

Make your own concrete candle holder

After a couple of hours, when the concrete did not move when poked, I removed the glass votives and tea lights to allow for even drying.

Make your own concrete candle holder

The concrete will take a couple more days to fully cure, but I removed it from the mold this morning to get the final shot. It had been in the mold for about 48 hours. It holds together and I give it an A for effort. It’s not really my style, but it was a great first (technically second) try. I will be playing with concrete again. I MADE STONE!

Make your own concrete candle holder

Edit: So, we took the first concrete attempt out of the mold last night. I had thought that I made the walls way too thin and it would crumble. As it turns out, I didn't and I love this one! It was made with a quart sized soup takeout container and a large plastic cup. I covered the plastic cup with saran wrap, which I don't recommend at all since it fused into the concrete. Other than that, it's super neat looking. 

Make your own concrete planter
All Hail, Attempt No. 1!

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Pinterest Battle! Heather vs Heather

Pinterest Battle - Heather vs Heather

You know how you have that Make this! DIY craft board on your Pinterest? The one that you never actually do any of the projects from? Yeah, I have that too.

I've been inspired by my friend Heather's rad projects that she's been working on and posting on her blog, The Feaths Can Do It. She's an amazing lady and I love dorking out about projects with her. Since inspiration sometimes takes a weird turn, a Pinterest Battle was born.

The Rules of Pinterest Battle are pretty vague and forgiving.
    1. Make something (Food or Craft) from one of your Pinterest boards - or something (p)inspired by one of your pins.
    2. Document it
    3. Blog about it.
    Post one per week.

I'm not even certain how one wins a Pinterest Battle, but we're going to have an amazing time at it.

Result - Motivational kick in the pants.

This is going to get awesome.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Sometimes it is your circus

I have a compulsion to fix things. Anything. It's what keeps me going. However, I frequently remind myself that some things are not mine to fix. The phrase "Not my monkeys. Not my circus." is a calming little mantra. However, sometimes, those totally are my monkeys and that really is my circus... and when the crowd is getting restless and the clowns aren't in their makeup, I need a little calming moment to myself to become the Ring Master.

During today's little moment of reflection and breath, I made this.

My monkeys, my circus

And now, back to the show.